Our Whistleblower Policy

At Synnefa, we are committed to the highest ethical and legal standards in all our operations and business dealings. We value integrity, accountability and transparency within our organization.

We encourage anyone aware of wrongdoing, misconduct or improper behavior within Synnefa to speak up and report it through our secure whistleblowing channels. We want to foster an environment where people feel safe and supported coming forward to raise concerns so that issues can be addressed appropriately.

You can report wrongdoing or misconduct through the following confidential options:

If you wish to remain anonymous, please indicate that in your report and we will make every effort to preserve your anonymity. However, identifying yourself will allow us to follow up with you if we need clarification or additional details, which aids investigation.

We appreciate you voicing your concerns and will handle all whistleblowing with care, discretion and the utmost seriousness and urgency. Our designated Whistleblower Investigation Team will promptly and thoroughly review each report received and oversee discreet inquiries. Due to the in-depth nature of investigations, we cannot provide exact timelines.

Please provide as much detail as possible on the situation so we can fully investigate. The types of wrongdoing or misconduct that should be reported through these confidential channels include but are not limited to:

  • Financial fraud, misuse of funds or accounting misconduct
  • Violations of legal or regulatory obligations
  • Risks to employee health and safety
  • Breaches of internal policy
  • Unethical conduct or activities against our core values
  • Criminal activity

Synnefa prohibits retaliation against any individual who raises a concern in good faith. You can report without fear of adverse employment consequences, discrimination or other recrimination. False or malicious reporting is itself considered a breach of policy, however we understand mistakes can happen and encourage speaking up if you have sincere concerns.

Our Board of Directors receives an annual report on whistleblower activities to ensure proper oversight, though individual case details are anonymized. We are committed to enforcing this policy at all levels to maintain trust.

Thank you for helping uphold Synnefa's high ethical standards by voicing concerns over potential misconduct or wrongdoing through our secure whistleblowing channels. We appreciate you taking the risk to speak up so that issues can be surfaced and addressed. Please do not hesitate to report any activities or behaviors that seem unethical, illegal or improper.